Brand Identity | Brand Awareness Campaign | Copywriting | Print, Digital & Radio Advertising
Having been in the game 34 years and with no fewer than 11 Centres, Ectarc are the Illawarra and Shoalhaven’s premier providers for Early Childhood Learning. They also happen to be award winning national facility for training Educators in the sector. So they literally practise what they teach!
Despite their longevity and obvious professionalism, most of their enrolments come through word of mouth and referral, and they believed they had a general awareness problem. In an effort to fix that, Ectarc approached three local communications agencies, of which we were one, to see who might not only have the best strategy and approach, but also who might be the best fit for them.
Our media approach and solution was made up of a combination of digital advertising across Google Display, You Tube and Social Media over an 8 week period, supported by 3 weeks of radio advertising on i98 in the Illawarra and Power FM in the Shoalhaven.
In addition to that and in our opinion, the Ectarc name, which was created through an acronym of ‘Early Childhood Training And Resource Centre’, lacked an informative descriptor to explain the nature of the business they were in. Given they were in the business of education for not only young children, but also people seeking to train for a career in one of the nation’s fastest growing industries, it seemed totally appropriate to tag the stand alone Ectarc logo with the word ‘Learning’. One simple word that spoke to both divisions of the business and that clearly explained their reason for being.
While this offering wasn’t part of the original brief, given the job at hand was all about increasing awareness of the brand, we felt it would be remiss of us not to offer up that suggestion as part of our initial submission.
From a creative perspective, we needed to keep our design work in line with the existing brand and graphic language that was being used across their website and other communication materials, but were given free reign on developing copy for the digital ads, radio script and the final campaign landing page.
While stock photography needed to be used due to budget, we also needed to be mindful that we were speaking to two different target audiences – those who might be seeing to enrol their children in one of the Ectarc Centres, as well as those looking for training with a view to employment. Essentially rolling what could easily have been two campaigns in to one…, Tah Dah!
Brand Identity | Brand Awareness Campaign | Copywriting | Print, Digital & Radio Advertising
Having been in the game 34 years and with no fewer than 11 Centres, Ectarc are the Illawarra and Shoalhaven’s premier providers for Early Childhood Learning. They also happen to be award winning national facility for training Educators in the sector. So they literally practise what they teach!
Despite their longevity and obvious professionalism, most of their enrolments come through word of mouth and referral, and they believed they had a general awareness problem. In an effort to fix that, Ectarc approached three local communications agencies, of which we were one, to see who might not only have the best strategy and approach, but also who might be the best fit for them.
Our media approach and solution was made up of a combination of digital advertising across Google Display, You Tube and Social Media over an 8 week period, supported by 3 weeks of radio advertising on i98 in the Illawarra and Power FM in the Shoalhaven.
In addition to that and in our opinion, the Ectarc name, which was created through an acronym of ‘Early Childhood Training And Resource Centre’, lacked an informative descriptor to explain the nature of the business they were in. Given they were in the business of education for not only young children, but also people seeking to train for a career in one of the nation’s fastest growing industries, it seemed totally appropriate to tag the stand alone Ectarc logo with the word ‘Learning’. One simple word that spoke to both divisions of the business and that clearly explained their reason for being.
While this offering wasn’t part of the original brief, given the job at hand was all about increasing awareness of the brand, we felt it would be remiss of us not to offer up that suggestion as part of our initial submission.
From a creative perspective, we needed to keep our design work in line with the existing brand and graphic language that was being used across their website and other communication materials, but were given free reign on developing copy for the digital ads, radio script and the final campaign landing page.
While stock photography needed to be used due to budget, we also needed to be mindful that we were speaking to two different target audiences – those who might be seeing to enrol their children in one of the Ectarc Centres, as well as those looking for training with a view to employment. Essentially rolling what could easily have been two campaigns in to one…, Tah Dah!