Animation | Illustration | Print | Digital & Traditional Advertising
Peoplecare is a national, not-for-profit health insurer that exists to benefit its members. For over 66 years they have built a strong reputation in Australia for the one of the highest levels of customer satisfaction, always aiming to achieve the best for their members.
We’ve worked with Peoplecare on a variety of campaigns, both using traditional and digital advertising strategies over several years, but the beginning of 2020 saw us working our way through no fewer than 8 new digital ad campaigns across 5 different Google Display ad sizes and 2 social media executions, across a variety of differing topics.
On top of that, we were also commissioned to develop a new television campaign to promote their ‘Peoplecare Dental and Optical’ retail store in the heart of Wollongong to encourage the public to consider getting their eyes and teeth maintained through a convenient and trusted source.
Having received the draft script for the ad, we were able to suggest a few additional inclusions to the sales pitch to add even further weight to the good reasons to go there, and proving that a collaborative approach between client and agency always delivers the best results!
We also worked with the team to create bus shelters, billboards and digital ads to raise awareness of their achievements in receiving the prestigious IPSOS customer satisfaction rating for the third consecutive time – an award that does show they really are ‘health cover full of mwah!’.
Animation | Illustration | Print | Digital & Traditional Advertising
Peoplecare is a national, not-for-profit health insurer that exists to benefit its members. For over 66 years they have built a strong reputation in Australia for the one of the highest levels of customer satisfaction, always aiming to achieve the best for their members.
We’ve worked with Peoplecare on a variety of campaigns, both using traditional and digital advertising strategies over several years, but the beginning of 2020 saw us working our way through no fewer than 8 new digital ad campaigns across 5 different Google Display ad sizes and 2 social media executions, across a variety of differing topics.
On top of that, we were also commissioned to develop a new television campaign to promote their ‘Peoplecare Dental and Optical’ retail store in the heart of Wollongong to encourage the public to consider getting their eyes and teeth maintained through a convenient and trusted source.
Having received the draft script for the ad, we were able to suggest a few additional inclusions to the sales pitch to add even further weight to the good reasons to go there, and proving that a collaborative approach between client and agency always delivers the best results!
We also worked with the team to create bus shelters, billboards and digital ads to raise awareness of their achievements in receiving the prestigious IPSOS customer satisfaction rating for the third consecutive time – an award that does show they really are ‘health cover full of mwah!’.